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Magazine Inc.
little writers, big stories

the stories, essays, art, & poems of young authors and artists.
Support Skribblers and Keep on writing! Skribblers DIY storybook provides prompts and organizers to write your own story. Convenient size to take along with you. Send us your story when you are done for the next issue.
Skribblers Magazine Inc. is a non-profit volunteer-run organization. Consider donating, subscribing, or giving as a gift. Donations are tax-deductible.
Please make checks payable to:
Skribblers Magazine Inc. P.O. Box 286
Clifton Park, NY 12065

Founder/Managing Editor
Tammy Ellis-Robinson, PhD
Board Members
Elizabeth Yanoff, PhD, Co-Chair
Jennifer Carraher Co-Chair
Andrea Zahnleuter, Treasurer
Rachel DelGado, Secretary
Thelma P. Hill
Molly Graiff
Rachel Delgado
Jacqueline Lake-Sample
Delicia Greene
Shreya Sharath
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