Trees blowing
kids screaming
tents ready to go camping
People swimming
in pools
Grass as soft as clouds
Bees working
cars driving
tents up in the woods
Kids ready to go fishing
in a nearby river.
Kids doing flips on trampolines.
Cars' horns beeping
police sirens ringing...
firetrucks saving cats and wiping houses that are on fire with water
rivers flowing
ocean waves blowing
like its raining once again
Sandstorms approaching
in the desert
It's fun today
Don't get blown away.
Once winter comes
I will see you , that snowy season
It's so fun to play
and maybe you'll get hit
with a snowball
Wolves catching prey
going in fights with coyotes or another pack
food is desperate
just like human life,
sometimes we lie, sometimes we kill, sometimes we tell the truth , and win the fight...
War has struck,
it's rare to survive
and I really don't want to die in a fight just because we disagree.
Everybody has a life, a life of hope.
We fight for our liberty and fight for our freedom.
Brandon, Age 10
Schalmont M.S.
From: Messy Girl Car
Dear Breanna,
It's me, Car. I LOVE to make you happy, drive you places and all that good stuff, but its getting out of hand... IT:S SIMpLE!!! DON'T MAKE A MESS!!! It's making me INSANE!!! How would you feel if your house was so messy that you can't even sit down..I mean come on! I do EVERYTHING for you. when I stop working your goingt to be deep underground becuause you have to walk...So it's not going to be my fault, it's going to be your fault! I NEED A BREAK FROM YOU, , AND BESIDES YOU LEAVE ME A MESS!!!!!
Your Meesy Girl Car
Victoria, Age 11
Schalmont M.S.

Peacock Feather
Ameya, Age 8
Birchwood Elementary
Skribblers Winter 2020
Everyone's Unique
The sky can take you places that you never could imagine. It can take you on adventures. It could even be a friend. It is always there, day or night. It can have stars or a moon. It can have clouds or a sun. It looks different everyday, but that's what's unique about the sky. I'm sure there's something unique about you.
Gwendolyn, Age 11
Schalmont M.S.
Last Days of Life
Walkng in the woods
walking in a hood
His days are a shame
but some days its a blame
He walks down the park, with a few days left
His heart stops beating in his chest.
Down to the floor he goes,
trying to catch his breath,
just one more moment is the cahrm
but there was no harm
There he goes in the air,
he goes up to his hair,
families say prayers
and send him to GOD
He is still there. But where?
in your heart that's where
Riley, Age 11
Schalmont M.S.

Dungle City
Kevin, Age 10
Our Savior's Christian School
Color Friends
All...right see
You use these
colors everyday so
why not make them your
Best friends?
Red is like fire,
Orange is like oranges, yellow is
like the sun, greens like trees blue is
like ice, purple is like unicorns, pink is like cotton candy, brown is like dirt, black is like pavement, gray is like clouds, sliver is like a silver metal, bronze i like a bronze metal...
Haley, Age 11
Schalmont M.S.
Bees vs. Humans
Bees. Ugh! Many people think that bees are nast little creatures...but actually , bees have a HUGE impact on the planet. So let's try to get you to change your mind about bees.
Believe it or not, 33% of bees died between 2016 and 2017! Also more than 10 MILLION behives have disappeared since 2014. WOW! And 1/4 of North American bee species are in danger of being extinct. Those are some reasons you should cnage your mind about bees, and if it didn't change your mind, we got problems. So the people who did change our mind, here are some solutions.
Plant some wild flowers in your backyard for the bees to snack on. You could build a next box fo bees to feel at home. If you can't do any of those things, donate some money to groups who help bees. In conclusion, if you take some of your time to help bees, you will have a better chance of living.
Christian, Age 11
Schalmont M.S.